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Now we are going to look on to forced ventilation. Natural ventilation has not worked on this occasion. We have opened a number of exit points and entry points but were unable to get rid of all the contaminants inside, so now we have introduced this forced ventilation. This is a fan that will then draw air into the confined space and therefore; one, get rid of the contaminants but two, allow good fresh air. It could be used also for cooling effect, so imagine when in a hot environment, you need to cool it down, forced ventilation again, will do that job.

The tube goes all the way in. It will be working away and then, we will keep testing to ensure we have now got that clean environment. We will turn it off, give it a few minutes to settle down, do our gas monitoring, and then we can prove that we have now cleared the air. However, there are times when we will not use forced ventilation, we may only have to use an extraction. The whole purpose of extracting the air, particularly when we are working in an environment where whirlwind has been deduced, is to ensure all those contaminants are taken out of that atmosphere, therefore making it a safe place to work.