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Now I am going to introduce to you something known as the National Occupational Standards. This is an organization set up a number of years ago by the utilities: Gas, water and electric. And its main aim was to ensure there would be a standardization for various work practices.

If you go to their website, you can search for 'confined spaces,' and a number of documents will pop up, and you can pick the one that suits your sort of work task, and now you will have an exact standard that many other organizations are following. The National Occupational Standards also is used by many other sectors. It is a good way of making sure, again, that we are sticking to an agreed standard. We also find that for many organizations, when it comes to training, they also want to stick to a standard that everybody knows about. So what we have seen over the last few years is the education department itself will use the National Occupational Standards in order to write out accredited training.

So it shows, it is a real good opportunity, that if you, in your workplace, you wanna make sure you do the right level of training, or you actually pick the right training provider, we need to make sure it is in line with the National Occupational Standards. It is now approved by the government. By doing so, we know that we are making sure we are sticking to a standard everybody agrees with. This course is now delivered in line with the National Occupational Standards.